- Test Subjects:
- ①101思想政治理论、②201英语一、③301数学一、④936信号与系统或982卫星导航原理
- Admission Information:
- 专业培养方案详见:
- Specialized Course:
- 信号与系统、卫星导航原理
- Test Subjects for Personal Interview:
- ①线性电子线路、数字逻辑电路、②测绘学基础
- Department:
- 武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心
- Specialized Courses:
- 导航、制导与控制
- Brief Introduction Of Major Of Admissions:
- 在计算机、电子信息、自动化、测绘专业的应届保研或考研学生中招收
- Admissions Professional Note:
- 只招收学术型学位硕士
- Master-Research direction:
- 机器人及无人系统导航
- Year of Admission:
- 2023
- Admission Type:
- Master Degree Candidate
- Discipline:
- Control Science and Engineering
- Expected Number of Students to Be Admitted:
- 1