- 硕士生导师
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- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:教学实验大楼附楼306
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:邮箱:udhan@whu.edu.cn QQ:570983506
- 在职信息:在职
- 所属院系: 遥感信息工程学院
- 学科:
15.Quantifying CO2 emissions of power plants with Aerosols and Carbon Dioxide Lidar onboard DQ-1. G Han, Y Huang, T Shi, H Zhang, S Li, H Zhang, W Chen, J Liu, W Gong. Remote Sensing of Environment 313, 114368. (中科院一区)
14.Unveiling Unprecedented Methane Hotspots in China's Leading Coal Production Hub: A Satellite Mapping Revelation. G Han, Z Pei, T Shi, H Mao, S Li, F Mao, X Ma, X Zhang, W Gong. Geophysical Research Letters 51 (10), e2024GL109065. (中科院一区)
13.Contrasting responses of relationship between solar-induced fluorescence and gross primary production to drought across aridity gradients,R Qiu,G Han*,X Li,J Xiao, J Liu,S Wang, S Li,W Gong. Remote Sensing of Environment,2024. (中科院一区)
12.Quantifying Strong Point Sources Emissions of CO2 using spaceborne LIDAR :Method Development and Potential Analysis. T Shi, G Han*, X Ma, Z Pei, W Chen, J Liu, Xi Zhang, S Li, W Gong, Energy Conversion and Management,292, 117346,2023.(中科院一区)
11.Improving quantification of methane point sources from hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy. Z Pei. G Han*, H Mao, C Chen, T Shi, K Yang, X Ma, W Gong, Remote Sensing of Environment,295,113652,2023. (中科院一区,ESI高被引论文)
10.Quantifying factory-scale CO2/CH4 emission based on mobile measurements and EMISSION-PARTITION model: cases in China. T Shi, G Han*, X Ma, H Mao, C Chen, Z Han, Z Pei, H Zhang, S Li, W Gong.Environmental Research Letters 18 (3), 034028,2023. (中科院二区,ESI高被引论文)
9. Monitoring drought impacts on crop productivity of the US Midwest with solar-induced fluorescence: GOSIF outperforms GOME-2 SIF and MODIS NDVI, EVI, and NIRv. R Qiu, X Li, G Han*, J Xiao, X Ma, W Gong. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 323, 109038,2022 (中科院一区,ESI高被引论文)
8. A method for estimating the background column concentration of CO2 using the lagrangian approach.Z Pei, G Han*, X Ma, T Shi, W Gong. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022 (中科院一区, ESI高被引论文)
7. A Novel Active-Passive Collaborative Approach for XCO2 retrieving using spaceborne sensors. MENGYANG CAI, GE HAN*, XIN MA, ZHIPENG PEI AND WEI GONG. Optics Letters,2022 (中科院二区)
6. Quantifying CO2 Uptakes Over Oceans Using LIDAR: A Tentative Experiment in Bohai Bay. T Shi, G Han*, X Ma, W Gong, W Chen, J Liu, X Zhang, Z Pei, H Gou, L Bu. Geophysical Research Letters 48 (9), e2020GL091160,2021(中科院一区,ESI高被引论文)
5. Potential of Ground-Based Multiwavelength Differential Absorption LiDAR to Measure δ¹³C in Open Detected Path. T Shi, G Han*, X Ma, W Gong, Z Pei, H Xu, R Qiu, H Zhang, J Zhang. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-4,2021. (中科院三区)
4. Design of Inversion Procedure for the Airborne CO2-IPDA LIDAR: A Preliminary Study. C Xiang, X Ma, X Zhang, G Han*, W Zhang, B Chen, A Liang, W Gong. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2021. (中科院二区)
3. Response of major air pollutants to COVID-19 lockdowns in China. Z Pei, G Han*, X Ma, H Su, W Gong. Science of the Total Environment 743, 1408792. 2020. (中科院一区, ESI高被引, 热点论文)
2. An inversion method for estimating strong point carbon dioxide emissions using a differential absorption Lidar. T Shi, G Han*, X Ma, M Zhang, Z Pei, H Xu, R Qiu, H Zhang, W Gong. Journal of Cleaner Production 271, 122434. 2020(中科院一区)
1. Obtaining Gradients of XCO2 in Atmosphere Using the Constrained Linear Least-Squares Technique and Multi-Wavelength IPDA LiDAR. G Han, T Shi, X Ma, H Xu, M Zhang, Q Liu, W Gong. Remote Sensing 12 (15), 2395. 2020 (中科院二区TOP)
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