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[1].  Yifan Liao , Pengjie Tao* , Lei Wang , Qi Chen 和 Tao Ke*.  Highly adaptive multi-modal image matching based on tuning-free filtering and enhanced sketch fea....  Information Fusion.  112.  2024. 
[2].  Yifan Liao , Ke Xi , Huijin Fu , Lai Wei , Shuo Li , Qiang Xiong , Qi Chen , Pengjie Tao* 和 Tao Ke*.  Refining multi-modal remote sensing image matching with repetitive feature optimization.  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.  134.  2024. 
[3].  Qi Chen , Wenxiang Gan , Pengjie Tao(*) , Penglei Zhang , Rongyong Huang 和 Lei Wang.  End-to-end multiview fusion for building mapping from aerial images.  Information Fusion.  111.  2024. 
[4].  张祖勋 , 段延松 和 陶鹏杰*.  从控制点到控制片.  武汉大学学报(信息科学版).  48 (11).  1715-1723.  2023. 
[5].  Yuxuan Liu , Mitko Aleksandrov , Zhihua Hu , Yan Meng , Li Zhang , Sisi Zlatanova , Haibin Ai 和 Pengjie Tao*.  Accurate light field depth estimation under occlusion.  Pattern Recognition.  138.  2023. 
[6].  Tao Pengjie , Xi Ke , Niu Zhuangqun , Chen Qi , Liao Yifan , Liu Yuxuan , Liu Kunbo 和 Zhang Zuxun.  Optimal Selection from Extremely Redundant Satellite Images for Efficient Large-Scale Mapping.  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.  194.  21-38.  2022. 
[7].  Cao Hui , Tao Pengjie* , Li Haihong 和  Shi Jun.  Bundle Adjustment of Satellite Images based on an Equivalent Geometric Sensor Model with Digital ....  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.  (156).  169-183.  2019. 
[8].  Tao Pengjie , Tan Kai , Ke Tao , Liu Shuai , Zhang Weiguo , Yang Jianru 和 Zhu Xiangjie.  Recognition of ecological vegetation fairy circles in intertidal salt marshes from UAV LiDAR poin....  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.  114.  2022. 
[9].  Zhang Zhen* , Tao Pengjie* , Liu Shiyin , Zhang Shasha , Huang Danni , Hu Hehong 和 Liu Yijie.  What controls the surging of Karayaylak glacier in eastern Pamir? New insights from remote sensin....  Journal of Hydrology.  607.  2022. 
[10].  Hu Zhihua , Tao Pengjie* , Long Xiaoxiang 和 Wang Haiyan.  Shading aware DSM generation from high resolution multi-view satellite images.  Geo-spatial Information Science.  2022. 
[11].  Cao Hui , Tao Pengjie* , Liu Yuxuan 和 Li Haihong.  Nonlinear Systematic Distortions Compensation in Satellite Images Based on an Equivalent Geometri....  IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.  14.  12088-12102.  2021. 
[12].  Tao Pengjie , Lu Luping , Zhang Yong , Xu Biao 和 Zou Songbai.  On-Orbit Geometric Calibration of the Panchromatic/Multispectral Camera of the ZY-1 02C Satellite....  PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING.  80 (6).  2014. 
[13].  Liu Kunbo , Ke Tao , Tao Pengjie* ,  He Jianan ,  Xi Ke 和  Yang Kaijun.  Robust Radiometric Normalization of Multitemporal Satellite Images via Block Adjustment without M....  IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.  13.  6029-6043.  2020. 
[14].  曹辉 , 陶鹏杰* , 李海鸿 和  张祖勋.  DEM约束的卫星影像定位法.  测绘学报.  49 (1).  79-91.  2020. 
[15].  张祖勋 和 陶鹏杰*.  谈大数据时代的“云控制”摄影测量.  测绘学报.  46 (10).  2017. 
[16].  Liu Yuxuan , Mo Fan , Aleksandrov M ,  Zlatanova S 和 Tao Pengjie*.  Accurate calibration of standard plenoptic cameras using corner features from raw images.  Optics Express.  29 (1).  2021. 
[17].  Tan Kai , Ke Tao* , Tao Pengjie* , Liu Kunbo , Duan Yansong , Zhang Weiguo 和 Wu Songbo.  Discriminating Forest Leaf and Wood Components in TLS Point Clouds at Single-Scan Level Using Der....  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.  60.  2022. 
[18].  Liu Yuxuan , Mo Fan 和 Tao Pengjie*.  Matching Multi-Source Optical Satellite Imagery Exploiting a Multi-Stage Approach.  Remote Sensing.  9 (12).  2017. 
[19].  Liu Kunbo , Tao Pengjie* , Tan Kai ,  Duan Yansong ,  He Jianan 和  Luo Xiangyong.  Adaptive Re-weighted Block Adjustment for Multi-Coverage Satellite Stereo Images without Ground C....  IEEE Access.  7.  112120-112130.  2019. 
[20].  Zhang Shenman , Tao Pengjie* , Wang Lei ,  Hou Yaolin 和  Hu Zhihua.  Improving details of building facades in open LiDAR data using ground images.  Remote Sensing.  11 (4).  2019. 
[21].  Wang Lei , Liu Yuxuan ,  Zhang Shenman ,  Yan Jixing 和 Tao Pengjie*.  Structure-Aware Convolution for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation.  Remote Sensing.  12 (4).  2020. 
[22].  Tao Pengjie , Kuang Hulin , Duan Yansong ,  Zhong Liang 和  Qiu Wu.  BITPNet: Unsupervised Bio-Inspired Two-Path Network for Nighttime Traffic Image Enhancement.  IEEE Access.  8.  164737-164746.  2020. 
[23].  Tan Kai , Chen Jin ,  Zhang Weiguo ,  Liu Kunbo ,  Cheng Xiaojun 和  Tao Pengjie.  Estimation of Soil Surface Water Contents for Intertidal Mudflats Using a Near-infrared Long-rang....  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.  (159).  129-139.  2019. 
[24].  Pengjie Tao , Weiguo Zhang , Shuai Liu , Kai Tan* 和 Jianru Yang.  Inshore marine litter detection using radiometric and geometric data of terrestrial laser scanner....  International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.  116.  2023. 
[25].  Shan Jie , Hu Zhihua ,  Tao Pengjie ,  Wang Lei ,  Zhang Shenman 和  Ji Shunping.  Toward a Unified Theoretical Framework for Photogrammetry.  Geo-spatial Information Science.  23 (1).  75-86.  2020. 
[26].  陶鹏杰 , 宋孟肖 和 段延松.  利用高精度DLG进行机载LiDAR点云精度评定研究.  地球信息科学学报.  21 (4).  608-614.  2019. 
[27].  Hu Zhihua , Hou Yaolin ,  Tao Pengjie 和  Shan Jie.  SREVAS: Shading based Surface Refinement under Varying Albedo and Specularity.  Remote Sensing.  12 (21).  2020. 
[28].  Ding Chao , Feng Guangcai , Liao Mingsheng ,  Tao Pengjie ,  Zhang Lu 和  Xu Qiang.  Displacement history and potential triggering factors of Baige landslides.  Remote Sensing of Environment.  (254).  2021. 
[29].  Ge Mengyu , Fang Shenghui , Gong Yan ,  Tao Pengjie ,  Yang Guang 和  Gong Wenbing.  Understanding the Correlation between Landscape Pattern and Vertical Urban Volume by Time-Series ....  ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.  10 (1).  2021. 
[30].  Zhang Hua , Tao Pengjie , Meng Xiaoliang , Liu Mengbiao 和 Liu Xinxia.  An Optimum Deployment Algorithm of Camera Networks for Open-Pit Mine Slope Monitoring.  Sensors.  21 (4).  2021. 
[31].  Lu Luping , Zhang Yong , Tao Pengjie , Zhang Zuxun 和 Zhang Yongjun.  Estimation of transformation parameters between centre-line vector road maps and high resolution ....  Photogrammetric Record.  28 (142).  130-144.  2013. 
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