个人信息Personal information
- 博士生导师
- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:Chang Sheng
- 教师拼音名称:Chang Sheng
- 所在单位:物理科学与技术学院
- 职务:副院长
- 学历:研究生毕业
- 性别:男
- 在职信息:在职
- 所属院系:物理科学与技术学院
联系方式Contact information
- [1]. A High-Performance Pixel-Level Fully Pipelined Hardware Accelerator for Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. (10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3423664). 2024.
- [2]. A Novel Interface Database of Graphene Nanoribbon from Density Functional Theory. arXiv:2311.18203.
- [3]. Graph Machine Learning Framework for Depicting Wavefunction on Interface. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, Vol.4, No.4, 045037, 2023.
- [4]. Planar Weibull Quantum Circuit Genetic Algorithm with Strong Search Ability and its Implementation. Physica Scripta, 98, 125113,2023.
- [5]. A Dynamic Pruning Method on Multiple Sparse Structures in Deep Neural Networks. IEEE ACCESS. 11. 38448-38457. 2023.
- [6]. A Novel Multiscale Simulation Framework for Low-dimensional Memristors. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 66 (7). 276811. 2023.
- [7]. A General Quantum Minimum Searching Algorithm with High Success Rate and its Implementation. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 66 (4). 240315. 2023.
- [8]. Graph representation based machine learning framework for predicting electronic band structures of quantum-confined nanostructures. Science China Materials. (DOI: 10.1007/s40843-022-2103-9). 2022.
- [9]. A Multi-classification Hybrid Quantum Neural Network Using All-qubit Multi-observable Measurement Strategy. Entropy. (DOI: 10.3390/e24030394). 2022.
- [10]. Magnetic Tunneling Junctions Based on 2D CrI3 and CrBr3: Spin Filtering Effects and High Tunnel Magnetoresistance via Energy Band Difference. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 37 (015006). 2022.
- [11]. The effect of Ag atoms diffusion into δ-phase CsPbI3-based memory device. Microelectronic Engineering. 251 (11166). 2022.
- [12]. Steep-Slope Transistors Based on Chiral Graphene Nanoribbons with Intrinsic Cold Source. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 68 (8). 4123-4128. 2021.
- [13]. Machine learning method for tight-binding Hamiltonian parameterization from ab-initio band structure. npj Computational Materials. 7 (11). 2021.
- [14]. Memristor-Based Image Enhancement: High Efficiency and Robustness. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 26 (2). 602-609. 2021.
- [15]. Ensemble Echo Network with Deep Architecture for Time-Series Modelling. Neural Computing & Applications. 33 (10). 4997-5010. 2021.
- [16]. A Multilayer Neural Network Merging Image Preprocessing and Pattern Recognition by Integrating Diffusion and Drift Memristors. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 13 (3). 645-656. 2021.
- [17]. Reconstruction of the Symmetry between Sublattices: A Strategy to Improve the Transport Properties of Edge-defective Graphene Nanoribbon Transistor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22. 18265-18271. 2020.
- [18]. Fully Memristive Spiking-Neuron Learning Framework and Its Applications on Pattern Recognition and Edge Detection. Neurocomputing. 403. 80-87. 2020.
- [19]. Wave-function symmetry mechanism of quantum-well states in graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions. Physical Review Applied. 12 (044018). 2019.
- [20]. SpikeCD: A Parameter-insensitive Spiking Neural Network with Clustering Degeneracy Strategy. Neural Computing & Applications. 31 (8). 3933-3945. 2019.
- [21]. Acceleration of LSTM with Structured Pruning Method on FPGA. IEEE Access. 7 (1). 62930-62937. 2019.
- [22]. Influence on Compact Memristors’ Stability on Machine Learning. IEEE Access. 7 (1). 47472-47478. 2019.
- [23]. Interface Coupling as a Crucial Factor for Spatial Localization of Electronic States in a Heterojunction of Graphene Nanoribbons. Physical Review Applied. 11. 024026. 2019.
- [24]. Efficient Multispike Learning for Spiking Neural Networks Using Probability-Modulated Timing Method. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 30 (7). 1984-1997. 2019.
- [25]. A Hardware Friendly Unsupervised Memristive Neural Network with Weight Sharing Mechanism. Neurocomputing. 332. 193-202. 2019.
- [26]. Strain engineering of chevron graphene nanoribbons. Journal of Applied Physics. 125. 082501. 2018.
- [27]. A Transport Isolation by Orbital Hybridization Transformation toward Graphene Nanoribbon-based Nanostructure Integration. Nanotechnology. 29. 455704. 2018.
- [28]. Restraining Strategy of the Stone–Wales Defect Effect on Graphene Nanoribbon MOSFETs. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 39 (7). 1092¬¬¬-1095. 2018.
- [29]. Activating Impurity Effect in Edge Nitrogen-doped Chevron Graphene Nanoribbons. Journal of Physics Communications. 2 (4). 045028. 2018.
- [30]. Dielectric Engineering with the Environment Material in 2D Semiconductor Devices. IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. 6 (1). 325-331. 2018.
- [31]. A Versatile and Accurate Compact Model of Memristor with Equivalent Resistor Topology. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 38 (10). 1367-1370. 2017.
- [32]. Highly Sensitive Bilayer Phosphorene Nanoribbon Pressure Sensor Based on the Energy Gap Modulation Mechanism: A Theoretical Study. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 38 (9). 1313-1316. 2017.
- [33]. Multi-valued Logic Design Methodology with Double Negative Differential Resistance Transistors. IET Micro & Nano Letters. 12 (10). 738-743. 2017.
- [34]. Graphene Nanoribbon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor Via Segmented Edge Saturation. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 64 (6). 2694-2701. 2017.
- [35]. Confined State Energies in AGNR Semiconductor-Semiconductor Heterostructure. Physics Letters A. 381. 319-322. 2017.
- [36]. Scaling Effect of Phosphorene Nanoribbon - Uncovering the Origin of Asymmetric Current Transport. Scientific Reports. (DOI: 10.1038/srep38009). 2016.
- [37]. The Dual Effects of Gate Dielectric Constant in Tunnel FETs. IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. 4 (6). 445-450. 2016.
- [38]. Novel Strategy of Edge Saturation Hamiltonian for Graphene Nanoribbon Devices. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 63 (11). 4514-4520. 2016.
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- [45]. SVM-based synthetic fingerprint discrimination algorithm and quantitative optimization strategy. PLOS ONE. 9 (10). e111099. 2014.
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