Effects of non-Hermitian perturbations on Weyl Hamiltonians with arbitrary topological charges
- 发表刊物:Physical Review B
- 摘要:We provide a systematic study of non-Hermitian topologically charged systems. Starting from a Hermitian Hamiltonian supporting Weyl points with arbitrary topological charge, adding a non-Hermitian perturbation transforms the Weyl points to one-dimensional exceptional contours. We analytically prove that the topological charge is preserved on the exceptional contours. In contrast to Hermitian systems, the addition of gain and loss allows for a new class of topological phase transition: when two oppositely charged exceptional contours touch, the topological charge can dissipate without opening …
- 卷号:97
- 期号:7
- 页面范围:075128
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2018-02-13
- 发布期刊链接:https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.075128