Focus of ultrasonic underwater sound with 3D printed phononic crystal
- 发表刊物:Applied Physics Letters
- 摘要:Ultrasound is widely used in various applications, ranging from ultrasound imaging to particle manipulation. Acoustic materials, such as phononic crystal (PC) and metamaterials, are designed to control the propagation and concentration of ultrasound. While traditional metal-based underwater PCs are usually limited to large 2D structures and used for low-frequency sound wave manipulation, it is difficult to reach the ultrasonic frequency region of the order of 1 MHz with cumbersome metallic structures. Here, in this work, we proposed a 3D printed gradient-index phononic crystal (GRIN PC) lens …
- 论文类型:期刊论文
- 卷号:119
- 期号:7
- 页面范围:073501
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2021-08-16
- 发布期刊链接:https://pubs.aip.org/aip/apl/article-abstract/119/7/073501/41303/Focus-of-ultrasonic-underwater-sound-with-3D?redirectedFrom=fulltext