Manipulation of acoustic vortex with topological dislocation states
- 发表刊物:Applied Physics Letters
- 摘要:Higher-order topological insulators as an exotic type of topological phases harboring fascinating topological corner or hinge states have attracted extensive attention recently. Dislocations are crystallinity-breaking defects in lattices that cannot be removed by local deformations due to nontrivial real-space topology. It is recently realized that dislocations can be used as a probe for higher-order topology. In this work, we propose a scheme to obtain acoustic dislocation states by introducing screw dislocations into higher-order topological insulators in a Kagome lattice. The topological...
- 论文类型:期刊论文
- 卷号:120
- 页面范围:21220
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2022-05-25
- 发布期刊链接:https://pubs.aip.org/aip/apl/article-abstract/120/21/212202/2833583/Manipulation-of-acoustic-vortex-with-topological?redirectedFrom=fulltext