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- 博士生导师
- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:Tao Li
- 教师拼音名称:Li Tao
- 电子邮箱:
- 所在单位:历史学院
- 职务:教授
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:历史学院115房间(比较考古学实验室)
- 性别:男
- 联系方式:邮件:tao-li@live.com
- 在职信息:在职
- 主要任职:武汉大学长江文明考古研究院 副院长
- 其他任职:武汉大学历史学院考古专业 副主任
- 毕业院校:匹兹堡大学(美国)
- 所属院系:历史学院
- 学科:
联系方式Contact information
- [1]. 李涛 陶器手工业研究的回顾与思考. 世界考古研究动态. 2. 14-35. 2024.
- [2]. Shijiahe and its implications for understanding the development of urbanism in Late Neolithic China. Journal of Urban Archaeology. 7. 2023.
- [3]. Handheld XRF analysis of the Late Yangshao and Early Longshan pottery unearthed from the site of Xinjie in Shaanxi Province of north China. Asian Archaeology. 2023.
- [4]. Ceramic raptors unearthed at the site of Shimao (2300–1800 BCE) in northern China: Production and use. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 48. 103844. 2023.
- [5]. Surface treatment of red painted and slipped wares in the middle Yangtze River valley of Late Neolithic China: multi-analytical case analysis. Heritage Science. 10 (1). 188.
- [6]. 赵潮 和 李涛. 动物考古视角下的宴飨行为研究. 南方文物. (2). 2022.
- [7]. Pottery production at the Miaodigou site in central China: Archaeological and archaeometric evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 41. 2022.
- [8]. Tao Li Centralization and its importance in revealing production and distribution of archaeological pottery. Academia Letters. 2021.
- [9]. Compositional study of household ceramic assemblages from a Late Neolithic (5300–4500 cal BP) earthen walled-town in the middle Yangtze River valley of China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 39. 2021.
- [10]. The emergence of walled towns in prehistoric middle Yangtze River valley: Excavations at the Zoumaling site. Archaeological Research in Asia. 26. 2021.
- [11]. 李涛 , 姚帅 和 贺黎民. 家户遗存类型及其研究方法. 江汉考古. (1). 2021.
- [12]. 李涛 , 贺黎民 , 姚帅 和 赵若冲. 对泥质陶器研究的思考. 科技考古与文物保护技术. 81-96. 2020.
- [13]. 李涛 史前陶器的手持式X 射线荧光光谱仪分析. 南方文物. (5). 263-271. 2020.
- [14]. Tao Li , Chao Ning , Irina S. Zhushchikhovskaya , Mark J. Hudson 和 Martine Robbeets. Millet agriculture dispersed from Northeast China to the Russian Far East: Integrating archaeology, genetics, and linguistics. Archaeological Research in Asia. 22. 2020.
- [15]. Tao Li , Chuang Liu 和 Dongmei Wang. Applying micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and Raman spectroscopy for non-invasive characterization of coating and coating pigments on ancient Chinese papers. Heritage Science. 8. 2020.
- [16]. 李涛 , 刘闯 , 谷舟 和 王冬梅. 无损鉴别古纸涂层及涂料的新方法. 中国造纸. 38 (12). 27-34. 2019.
- [17]. 李涛 基于无损化学分析和家户尺度上的史前陶器网络研究. 文物保护研究、实践与教育——西北大学文物保护技术专业创立三十周年论文集. 152-158. 2019.
- [18]. 李涛 俄罗斯远东滨海边疆区的早期粟和黍. 边疆考古研究. (25). 309-321. 2019.
- [19]. Tao Li Investigating Pre-1949 Chinese Paper-based Materials by Raman Spectroscopy: Short Review (2000-2017). International Journal of Conservation Science. 10 (1). 15-24. 2019.
- [20]. 李涛 红山文化无底筒形器的“专业化”生产问题. 北方文物. (1). 22-31. 2019.
- [21]. 李涛 中国古代纸币及当票的颜料与纤维. 中国钱币. (1). 8-17. 2018.
- [22]. 李涛 古代造纸原料的历时性变化及其潜在意义. 中国造纸. 37 (1). 33-41. 2018.
- [23]. 李涛 黑水城遗址出土西夏时期染色纸张的分析. 西夏研究. (3). 3-14. 2017.
- [24]. Robert D. Drennan , Christian E. Peterson , Xueming Lu 和 Tao Li. Hongshan households and communities in Neolithic northeastern China. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 47. 50-71. 2017.
- [25]. Tao Li , Jinxin Ji , Zhong Zhou 和 Jilong Shi. A multi-analytical approach to investigate date-unknown paintings of Chinese Taoist priests. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 9. 395-404. 2017.
- [26]. Francisco Garrido 和 Tao Li. A handheld XRF study of Late Horizon metal artifacts: implications for technological choices and political intervention in Copiapó, northern Chile. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 9. 935-942. 2017.
- [27]. Tiequan Zhu , Tao Li , Naitao Liu , Jian Chen , Hong Huang , Qianli Fu 和 Shangxin Zhang. Hexi painting on Xitian Fanjing, a Qing imperial Buddhist temple in Beijing, China: technology revealed by analytical approaches (an initial report). Heritage Science. 4.
- [28]. Ji-long Shi 和 Tao Li. Technical investigation of 15th and 19th century Chinese paper currencies: Fiber use and pigment identification. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 44. 892-898. 2013.